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The company AUTOGR GRILLIAS, hereinafter the “Company”, hires the vehicle indicated on the front of the contract (including any vehicle that may replace it) to the Lessee under the terms hereof, which the Lessee fully and unconditionally accepts:


The car was delivered by the company to the Lessee today, in perfect condition, free of any real or another kind of defect. The Lessee having carefully inspected the car and test driven it, has found it to his absolute satisfaction, suitable for the purpose and use for which he is leasing it and has accepted it unconditionally. The Lessee shall, upon the termination of the contract, return and deliver to the Lessor, at the agreed time, the car with its accompanying registration certificate and all relevant forms and equipment, in exactly the same condition as when it was received at the Lessor’s premises company, during business hours and during the operation of the company’s offices, otherwise the lease will be extended until the moment at which the agreed return rental location will operate again or until the moment the company receives the vehicle’s key, without excluding the liability of the Lessee for theft or damage to the car during this period. If the Lessee wishes to extend the car rental, he/she shall provide e written notice to the company at least twenty-four (24) hours before the end of the rental to obtain the respective written approval.
60 minutes after the agreed time of delivery, the Lessee will be charged with an extra day’s rental and generally, the Lessee shall be charged for each additional day he/she keeps the car, provided the company’s written consent for the extension of the rental. If the vehicle is not delivered in the agreed time, or in any case when at the discretion of the company there is risk of its damage or loss, or violation of the terms of this agreement, the company has the right to deprive and receive the vehicle in its possession in any way, without the consent of the Lessee but at his/her expenses.


Throughout the duration of the lease agreement the car remains the full property and ownership of the Lessor and the Lessee expressly and unconditionally acknowledges that he has and acquires no other rights except those limitedly stated in this lease agreement and in no case can he be considered a representative or agent of the Lessor. The Lessee is prohibited in any manner whatsoever, assigning the use or setting up any rights to the car in favor of third parties.


1. Any car leased to the Lessee under the terms hereof may be used solely by the Lessee and the Lessee’s authorized drivers, the full details of which shall be provided by the Lessee. The full details of those are compulsorily recorded in the contract (i.e. ADDITIONAL DRIVER’S DETAILS) exclusively within the framework of the execution of the Lessee’s purpose and activities and provided that the latter (Lessee) has accepted the corresponding daily charge as determined by the official price list of the company.
2.Each vehicle may only be operated by persons who possess a legal, recognised and valid car driving licence.
3.The vehicle may only be used on a special asphalt network exclusively within Greece. For any use outside the Greek borders requires the prior written permission of the consent of the Lessor. 4. The following are expressly and cumulatively prohibited to the lessee:
a) driving on off-road routes, b) learning to drive, c) test driving, d) participation in speed races or other motorsports, e) use of the vehicle for the transport of persons or goods for a fee, f) subleasing the vehicle to third parties, g) the transport or movement of heavy luggage or objects, h) the carriage of heavy luggage or heavy objects, combustible materials, polluting or smelly objects, drugs, weapons or any other objects the possession and carriage of which is prohibited by the applicable provisions or which may cause any danger to the safety of the vehicle, of the occupants or third parties, as well as pushing and towing other vehicles, i) the illegal transport of persons, whether nationals or foreigners, j) the commission of any illegal-obligatory act with the hired vehicle, k) driving in violation of the provisions of the Road Traffic Code, customs, traffic or other regulations and any other applicable provisions, I) driving if the driver of the car is under the influence of alcohol, hallucinogenic drugs, narcotics, barbiturates or any other substance which affects the driver’s ability to drive and 3 senses or is generally in a state of impaired driving ability and perception. 5.The Lessee and the authorised additional driver are obliged to take care of the car, to check its mechanical condition, oil and water level, tyres, etc., to use the appropriate type of fuel, to show all due diligence and take all necessary measures for the smooth and normal operation of the car and to inform the Lessor immediately and in time when there is a need for maintenance of the vehicle or when a defect or problem occurs. Any repair and general intervention in the car by the Lessee, the additional driver or any other third party is prohibited without the prior written approval of the Lessor.
6.The Lessee and the authorised additional driver are obliged to take care to prevent theft of the vehicle. vehicle.
7.In case of theft, damage, accident, the customer is obliged immediately, within 12 hours at the latest: a) To notify the police. Especially in the case of theft or loss of the vehicle, the Lessee is obliged to report the incident in writing to the nearest police authority and to the company within the aforementioned period, handing over the key of the vehicle to the latter. b) Not to acknowledge any fault or guilt or any third party claim in any way, directly or indirectly. c) To contact the Lessor immediately by telephone or by any other means. d) To note the names and addresses of eye-witnesses and of any person involved in the above incidents, in particular the name and address of the driver and the details of the car with which he may have collided. e) To collect any relevant information from any third party as well as any relevant document or other evidence (e.g. photographs etc.) and send it to the Lessor. f) To complete and sign a relevant accident declaration at the nearest branch of the company’s nearest branch office. In case of theft or loss of the car the Lessee will be charged a fixed amount of 15 euros plus VAT( which is non-refundable) for the costs managing the envelope. 8.In the event of an accident or theft or any other incident (fire, loss, etc.) of the vehicle due to failure to comply with the above, as well as in any case in which the Lessee or the additional driver violate or attempt to violate any of their obligations hereunder, or in the event that the information and other data which they give to the Lessor Company is not accurate, the Lessee and/or the authorised driver, EVEN INDEPENDENTLY IF HE HAS ACCEPTED ANY OF THE PREFERRED COVERAGES OF EXEMPTION OF LIABILITY are not exempted but remain jointly and severally liable. In such cases the Lessor shall be entitled, at its sole discretion and option, either to remain in this contract and claim full compensation for any loss or damage and any other damages, or to terminate this contract and exercise all its rights of ownership and possession.


The Lessee shall pay the company at the beginning of the rental, the total amount of the rental and any other charges arising from the end of the car rental (fuel, fines, expenses, damages, etc.). If the payment is made by credit card, the signature of the cardholder authorizes the company to charge the credit card account of the Lessee with the entire rental and ancillary charges, mentioned above. This authorization applies to retrospective charges such as for damage, towing or car transpsrtation, traffic fines and parking tickets and any administrative expenses arising from the processing of the above. The Lessee is further charged: (a) with a surcharge for exceeding the agreed mileage, Mileage (kilometers/miles travelled) is calculated according to the indications of the odometer/milometer (on the speedometer) at the beginning and at the end of the rental, (b) with a charge for missing fuel at the end of the rental (Fuel Charge – FCH) when the car is not returned with the same amount of fuel by the Lessee and plus an additional Refueling Charge RFC), (c) charges for any services and risk coverage the Lessee decides to use, as described in Article 4 hereof, (d) with any taxes, fees, expenses, legal fees or other expenses relating to the car rental, and any penalties, fines, court costs and other expenses, imposed or to be imposed on the company for violations during car use by the Lessee, and costs for the recovery of car ownership and use by the company, as well as default interest for late payment of any outstanding amounts. In such cases, the Lessee shall pay to the company an extra amount of 15 € + VAT to cover administrative expenses of the company, (e) with any amount required for the repair of damages or replacement of tires, wheels or rims, restoration of broken car glass, repair of damage on the car bottom, roof, antenna, mirrors or during embarkation and disembarkation of the car on a ship or repair from damage caused from natural phenomena and terrorist attacks, (f) with an additional surcharge for car receipt or delivery, and a surcharge for returning the car to a point other than that specified, (g) with an additional “Airport Service Charge”, (h) with cleaning expenses in the event of overly soiled vehicle, (i) with a daily charge for additional driver, (j) in case of accident or theft declaration, with an amount of 15 € + VAT for “file processing fees” (administrative expenses).


The rented vehicle has an insurance coverage for Third Party Liability and up to the amounts provided for in the Greek Law, subject to its lawful driving by the driver and in accordance with the terms hereof. The Renter is liable for any damages to the rented vehicle. The Renter may limit his/her liability to the rented vehicle for damages down to a minimum charge (deductible), by accepting the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) at the beginning of the rental an optional coverage thus waiving himself from this liability and by paying the corresponding daily charge for this. The Renter may further limit his/her liability for damages to the rented vehicle, by accepting at the deginning of the rental the optional coverage (Super Collision Damage Waiver (SCDW) and paying the corresponding daily charge for this. In the event of car theft, the Renter shall pay the amount of the value of the car. The Renter may limit his/her liability for total Theft or Loss of the car to a minimum charge (deductible), by accepting at the beginning of the rental the Theft Protection Coverage (TPC) and paying the corresponding daily charge for this, provided that the Renter has also accepted CDW (see above) as well as taken all precautions to prevent car theft or loss while using the car in accordance with the terms of this agreement. The aforementioned Waivers and Coverages do not discharge the Renter from the charges of Article 3 hereof or when the car is not used in accordance with the terms of use of Article 2 hereof.
The driver and passengers are not covered against Own Bodily Damages, other tha the provisions of the Third Party Insurance. The company provides a minimum coverage against these Bodily damages following an accident while driving the rented vehicle, if the Renter accepts at the beginning of the rental and pays the daily charge for Personal Accident Coverage (PAC).
By signing this Rental Agreement the Renter accepts fully the daily charges indicated into the corresponding fields, for the above optional coverages (CDW, SCDW, TPC, PAC) which he may have accepted, as well as any minimum payment (deductible) in case of an event.


The Lessee’s personal data are maintained electronically. The Company may securely transfer those data to Authorities and Insurance Organizations per case, in accordance with the legal requirements and within the framework of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 2016/679 – April 27th, 2016). For more information regarding our Data Privacy Policy please visit the Company’s web site at the following link:


The lessor hereby declares that there is a GPS geotracking system installed in the leased vehicle. The installation of the geolocation application is intended solely to make the company’s purpose of action more efficient during the term of the lease contract and, in particular, to enhance the security of compliance with the terms of this agreement with regard to the protection and safety of the vehicle and persons in traffic. The collection data collection shall be limited exclusively to the duration of the rental agreement. The data controller is the legal representative of the of the company, Grillias Konstantinos, who is committed to take all necessary measures security measures necessary for data protection, but also to ensure that the access to the stored data is made by persons authorised to do so. The lessee does not have the right to deactivate the the programme, but reserves the right to access the access to the data collected. The lessee stated that it agrees and provides the consent to the agreement made herein regarding the this matter, expressly and unconditionally stating that this in no way in no way constitutes a violation of his privacy.


The above terms also apply in case of replacement of the originally rented vehicle or when the rental is extended, while any amendment to the terms hereof shall be void unless agreed in writing. The company has the right to terminate this agreement and immediately collect the car in case of violation of the terms hereof by the Lessee. The Lessee is obliged to pay the company a financial guarantee, before receiving the vehicle for his/her faithful adherence to the terms hereof. During the rental, all additional drivers are jointly and severally liable with the Lessee. Similarly, if a representative signs this rental agreement, he/she shall be jointly and severally liable with the principal. Moreover, the Lessee is jointly and severally liable with third person to pay the rent, any costs, expenses and fees, regardless whether the third person has assumed the obligation to cover them. The Lessee agrees and accepts that any discounts provided do not apply in case of delayed payment of the bill, issued by the company. All changes are subject to final audit. It is the customer’s responsibility to ask for any money refund or/and his/her definitive charge for fuel, when returning the vehicle and ONLY at that time. Money refund or other matters relating to fuel charges, are not accepted after the departure of the customer from the dranch. The company assumes no liability for loss or damage to any property inside the car after returning it to the company. If the Lessor fails to deliver to the Lessee during a specific time interval a specific car type, which the Lessee has booked, the Lessor shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damage to the Lessee. All terms herein are deemed to be material. Breach of any of them will result in the consequences set out above. This is the complete and exclusive agreement between the parties hereto and supersedes any contrary agreement, written or oral. Lessee unconditionally acknowledges that this is not the product of mistake, fraud or threat or exploitation of any necessity, inexperience, waives all rights to challenge and cancel this for the reasons stated above or for reasons of impropriety, and states that it has entered into the signing of this having previously received the legal advice of an attorney of his/her choice.


Any extension, renewal or extension or extension of the terms hereof shall be null and void unless made in writing.


Any notice or communication in connection herewith will be given to the physical or electronic addresses listed at the beginning hereof.


This agreement is governed by Greek Law and any dispute arising between the company and the Lessee under this agreement, shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Chalkida

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